GNV Data Archive

August 26, 2022

Here is a collection of all the #GamesNightViz data sets collected for previous challenges. If you have any other cool datasets you would like to share with the community, feel free to reach out to either @WJSutton12, @covellicreative, @consult_ant, @datavizlouis so we can add it in here!

Cooking up the Spice of Data

The quest for the final narrative

With great power comes great vizzes

Disney's Stacked Bar

Battle of the Strongest Viz

Exploding Hungry Pie-Charts

Board Games

Card Games

Call of Duty


Dungeons & Dragons


Elden Rings / Dark Souls

Final Fantasy



Genshin Impact

Grand Theft Auto

James Bond



Need for Speed

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds


Red Dead Redemption

Resident Evil

Rocket League

The Sims


Sports Crossover

Street Fighter

The Witcher


Team GNV

This project focuses a monthly theme that you can participate to challenge either data preparation, data visualization or visual design. Existing datasets on video games will be readily available and comes with difficulty scales to help those newer or with limited time to practice. You can also bring data from your own favorite games too! We love all types of games: card games, board games, video games, party games, game shows, the list goes on!

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