GNV Tour + #DataFamCon: D&D

August 26, 2022

Welcome back!

Back in Level 4, we got found our need for speed. For our next challenge, we'll be tackling the game of Dungeons and Dragons with #DataFamCon, a community project around pop culture/fandoms, and #PreppinData, a weekly challenge to help you learn to prepare data with Tableau Prep, because games are better with friends! For this challenge, we'll be visualising data related to Dungeons and Dragons,

  • Monsters
  • Spells
  • Critical Role, a show produced with the game

Looking for data?

Be sure to check out the #GamesNightViz Data Archive 💾 for all the datasets from our challenges.

Data visualisation challenge

Head over to the #DataFamCon's June 2022: Dungeons and Dragons Challenge to find out more and get your hands on all that data!

Challenge 1: Prep a Gantt Chart

Looking to tackle a data prep challenge? Check out #PreppinData's Dungeons and Dragons inspired challenge which walks you through building Gantt charts of Critical Role dialogues, giving you both data prep + a data viz for your portfolio!

Challenge 2: Tableau conference edition

What about that design aspect? Off the back of the Tableau conference, here are a few design focused talks to give you some inspiration:

If Dungeons and Dragons isn't your scene we'll still help promote your games inspired viz with the community. Choose one of the data sets from the #GamesNightViz Data Archive 💾 or collect your own data and share it with the #GamesNightViz community.

How to Submit

Team GNV

This project focuses a monthly theme that you can participate to challenge either data preparation, data visualization or visual design. Existing datasets on video games will be readily available and comes with difficulty scales to help those newer or with limited time to practice. You can also bring data from your own favorite games too! We love all types of games: card games, board games, video games, party games, game shows, the list goes on!

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