Welcome back!
Back in Level 4, we got found our need for speed. For our next challenge, we'll be tackling the game of Dungeons and Dragons with #DataFamCon, a community project around pop culture/fandoms, and #PreppinData, a weekly challenge to help you learn to prepare data with Tableau Prep, because games are better with friends! For this challenge, we'll be visualising data related to Dungeons and Dragons,
- Monsters
- Spells
- Critical Role, a show produced with the game
Looking for data?
Be sure to check out the #GamesNightViz Data Archive 💾 for all the datasets from our challenges.
Data visualisation challenge
Head over to the #DataFamCon's June 2022: Dungeons and Dragons Challenge to find out more and get your hands on all that data!
Challenge 1: Prep a Gantt Chart
Looking to tackle a data prep challenge? Check out #PreppinData's Dungeons and Dragons inspired challenge which walks you through building Gantt charts of Critical Role dialogues, giving you both data prep + a data viz for your portfolio!
Challenge 2: Tableau conference edition
What about that design aspect? Off the back of the Tableau conference, here are a few design focused talks to give you some inspiration:
- https://www.tableau.com/events/tc/2022/indeed-accessible-dashboard-design-how-reduce-barriers-and-enable-interaction
- https://www.tableau.com/events/tc/2022/viral-vizzing
- https://www.tableau.com/events/tc/2022/montgomery-county-dashboarding-storytelling-building-narratives-through-data-and
If Dungeons and Dragons isn't your scene we'll still help promote your games inspired viz with the community. Choose one of the data sets from the #GamesNightViz Data Archive 💾 or collect your own data and share it with the #GamesNightViz community.
How to Submit
- Deadline is midnight PST on 30th June 2022, the next challenge will be released shortly afterwards
- Post your submissions on Twitter with the hashtag #DataFamCon and #GamesNightViz, and tag the team @NicoleKlassen12, @StyleSTEAMed, @WJSutton12, @Visual_Endgame, @ninjavizlouis so we don't miss your great work!
- Submit your work to the project tracker here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqFaHnRcX2uBX7h5PkbigXim1kfQMsnC7ZloF8UvxzfRog4w/viewform?usp=sf_link