Welcome to the #GamesNightViz Season 2 challenge !
I hope you are excited, because we are! As promised, for the first time we are showing you the entire roadmap for the year. We want you to viz what you love, so jump in anytime that topic interests you. After all, the best way to learn is to have fun 🎮

If you have been spending your October preparing and submitting your #IronViz entry, know that team #GamesNightViz is extremely proud of you! It's not an easy one, just ask our very own champion, Will ;) But if you didn't manage to put your entry in, that's equally fine too and you shouldn't beat yourself over it. Better still, come join us with some fun datasets on Disney this month as we celebrate their 100th anniversary together with a collaboration challenge with our friends at Diversity at Data! We are exciting to be teaming up with these awesome folks to help spread the word around diversity, equity & awareness. ❤️

What is Diversity?
Diversity is like a colorful picture in the story of how we all live together. When we accept and appreciate our differences, we open up a wide range of viewpoints that make our shared journey more interesting. It's not just about having different kinds of people; it's about understanding, caring, and making places where everyone, no matter who they are, feels noticed, important, and listened to. Our stories, when we tell them together, show how strong, tough, and creative we can be. In this story that includes everyone, each person adds their special part to a big collection of ideas. It's not about making everyone the same but about being happy about the good things that come from our different backgrounds and experiences. When we make places where diversity is not just accepted but welcomed, we create opportunities for personal and shared growth. Making a world where everyone can be themselves, is essentially what DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) stands for.
In other words, be kind to yourself and be kind to others ;)

The Datasets
The theme this month is Disney's stacked bar and we have curated some really cool data to get you started.

- Disney Employee Demographics and 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Heath - curated by Diversity in Data
- Disney Movies 1937 to 2016 Gross Income - This dataset contains all the movies from 1937 to 2016 that were released by Disney (from Kaggle)
- Disney+ Movies and TV Shows Listing - This data set was created to list all shows available on Disney+ streaming, and analyze the data to find interesting facts. (from Kaggle)
- Disneyland Reviews - Includes 42,000 reviews of 3 Disneyland branches - Paris, California and Hong Kong, posted by visitors on Trip Advisor (from Kaggle)
- Star Wars Characters - George Lucas' universe is vast and is home to many different species. From robots and humans to alien species, many with unique traits. (from Kaggle)
- Marvel Characters - Details about Marvel movie characters, including movies names and their characters in the movie, along with their look details, and when was the first time they appeared on screen (from Kaggle)
Or choose one of the data sets from the #GamesNightViz Data Archive 💾 ... or even leverage on the current Data+Movies IMDB dataset from Tableau too!
Get started here > https://www.tableau.com/community/movies
And of course, feel free to bring your own data! If you find anything interesting, we'll love to know about it too!

So what should you viz on?
Here's some quick ideas on starting your viz journey 😉
- What is the Disney employee demographics like and are there any interesting findings?
- How has LGBTQ youth mental health changed over the years?
- Which are the biggest winners and losers in the Disney franchise?
- How well do you know your Star Wars and Marvel characters?

Inspirations from the community
Here are some great vizzes from the Tableau community to give you an idea what can be done.

Bonus Free #GamesNightViz T-Shirt for the best work
Some of you might have gotten one from our free giveaway at #data23 Tableau Conference, but many were still bummed for not getting it. We hear you and we'll be picking our favorite viz and sending a free T-shirt of your choice! And if you wanna collect 'em all, you know what you have to do 😜

And of course, there has to be some judging criterion right? We took a page out of #IronViz and ran it thru ChatGPT. It looks great don't you think? There's 4 categories and this gives us 20 points (5 each) to score the vizzes.
- Game-Themed Aesthetic: In addition to the general aesthetic appeal, the visualization should incorporate elements of gaming culture, such as game-like graphics, avatars, gaming terminology, or visual references to well-known games.
- Interactivity: Since games are interactive, the visualization should ideally incorporate some form of interactivity, allowing the viewer to explore the data or the narrative in a more hands-on way, like they would in a game.
- Usability in Game Context: The visualization should be intuitive and user-friendly, much like a well-designed game interface. The user should be able to understand the visualization without needing complex instructions, similar to how a game should be playable with minimal guidance.
- Game-Themed Narrative: The story or narrative behind the visualization should incorporate elements of gaming, whether that's using game mechanics as metaphors, drawing parallels to game storylines, or creating a gamified journey for the viewer.
- Engagement and Immersion: Just as games engage and immerse players, the visualization should draw in viewers and make them feel a part of the data story.
- Game Data Insight: If the data is specifically about games (player stats, game sales, gaming trends, etc.), the analysis should offer clear and insightful interpretations about the gaming world.
- Game Mechanics: The analysis could consider incorporating game mechanics into the visualization. For example, if it's about player performance, it could incorporate mechanics like leaderboards or achievement systems.
Game Feel
- Fun Factor: Regardless of the seriousness of the data or the analysis, a game-themed visualization should have a fun factor. It should be enjoyable to view and interact with, just like playing a game. This could be achieved through humor, surprises, rewards, or other elements of fun.
- Gameful Experience: The visualization should evoke a sense of gameful experience. This might be through the use of game mechanics, playful design, or a sense of challenge and achievement.

How to Submit
- Deadline is midnight PST 🔔 20th Dec 2023 🔔
- Post your submissions on Twitter with the hashtag #GamesNightViz, #DiversityinData, and tag the team @WJSutton12, @covellicreative, @ninjavizlouis, @aabattani, @Evethomas1, @scottkimly, @saveriorocc so we don't miss your great work!
- Submit your work the project tracker here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMRc4dJ089gPvHMtFVPZ7DVgcwrqqxkonffLF5apAZOzFX3A/viewform